Oct. Ushers: Randy Walden, Gabriel Lehnen, Randall Johnson, Mac Whisner
Oct. Nursery Workers: 6th: Tiffany & Addyson 13th: Monica, Bethany & Brooklyn 20th: Kim E. & Haley Barnes 27th: Christy & Tammy
Happy birthday and anniversary to those celebrating in October! October is also Pastor Appreciation Month!
We need candy for our annual Halloween “Trunk or Treat” event! Please bring prior to Oct. 25!
Special Notice: Our Wed. & Sun. night teachers are collecting cash donations. They plan to take the children shopping for Christmas and allow each child to buy a new outfit and, if enough money, a new toy. It will be a field trip and a shopping experience that some may have never had. Deadline for donations is Nov. 24. For questions and donations see Rachel, Alecia, Marlee, or Jennifer W.
We have 2 of our young members on active duty in the military. Sage Tiernan is in the Marine Corps and Lillian Clunn is in the Navy. Please remember them both in prayer.
We have voted to expand our church sanctuary! Please be in constant prayer for wisdom, love, unity, and faith as we move forward. Donations can be given at any time. Joash boxes for leaving donations located in front foyer and at side entrance. Fifth Sunday offerings will go to the building fund.
Upcoming Fundraisers: A BBQ luncheon will be held after church on Oct. 20- see calendar for details. Another Facebook auction is being planned for November. As we look further out, a BBQ event open to the community is planned for April 2025. Keep an eye on the calendar for upcoming events and details as they are planned. All proceeds will go to the building fund.
Fundraising Committee: Brenda Kendall, Chair; Lois Turner; Richard & Kimberly McAtee; Steve Cornell; Cassondra Abbott; Barb Davis; Donna McBride; Betty Smith; Brenda Boles; Kim Upton; Steve & Angie Lee. Alecia Burns also assisting. Please feel free to ask questions about fundraising events to any member!
Download our free app for easy use and notifications on happenings and information. Look for “Our Church” by churchdev.com. The first time you open, search for Celina First Baptist. Click on “Allow Notifications”to receive important reminders and information.
Nursery will be open during Worship services starting April 16, 2023. Workers needed for this important ministry. Please see Tammy Norrod to ask questions and to sign up for this opportunity to serve!